When Reality Hits, It Isn’t “Reality”

When Reality Hits, It Isn’t “Reality” A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away I was a heavy smoker. Heavy as in two packs a day. One day I decided to quit. It was the last day of a hunting trip in eastern Washington. (Yes, in that other galaxy in...

If not now, when? How shall we live wisely and well? Free Wholeness Hangout replay

If not now, when? How shall we live wisely and well? Free Wholeness Hangout replay This is the promised link to watch the Wholeness Hangout with Bill Cumming. Because of our conflicting schedules, this hangout was recorded. I promise I will have Bill back another time...

Why does coaching work, when it does? Free call tomorrow!

Quick reminder that tomorrow, Friday, November 13, at 11am PT (2pm ET, 7pm UK), my guest Wyn Morgan and I will be exploring why coaching works–when it does. Coaching can be a powerful context for personal and organizational transformation. What makes coaching...

Why Life Hacks Don’t Work (and What Does)

Last week at a coaching conference one of the speakers held forth about her wildly successful book on the formation of habits, habits that, in her view, lead to success. Among other things, she proposed a model to explain why some people do what’s good for them...