It’s Alive! How to Really Take Control of Your Time

by | Oct 29, 2012

This week the ezine goes live with a NO COST Not-So-Quarterly Accidental Entrepreneurs Community Call. The topic is productivity and motivation, also known as taking control of your time. Here’s a quick-and-dirty synopsis of what I’ll be sharing.

The truth is, we can’t control time. Duh. But we have great steaming gobs of choice over how we structure it. The problem is that structures can be difficult to design, hard to maintain, and just plain boring.

(Other than that, they work fine.)

Why You Should Care
Here’s why you should care about structure.

Structure <~> Productivity <~> Motivation <~> Confidence <~> Creativity

Do you see? Each element both flows from and contributes to every other element.

The right structure makes you more productive. When you are productive, your motivation and confidence go way up. When those go up, you are freed to be more creative, even more spontaneous.

The Magic Formula
You might have seen this in my quick email over the weekend, and it’s worth repeating. I claim that it’s the coolest thing I’ve learned in the past five years.

Here, in a nutshell, is my magic formula for a structure the most creative, spontaneous, and just possibly rebellious person can come to love.

Each day I choose, declare, and report on a single High Value Action.

I choose one single action that will move my business forward, the simpler and more concrete the better.

I declare it to the Brain Trust, my mastermind group, in an online forum.

And I report on it the next day when I post a new High Value Action. Success consists of completing the choose-declare-report cycle.


That’s Just the Beginning
As with any truly elegant solution, the ramifications are significant. On the Accidental Entrepreneurs Community Call I’ll talk about those ramifications. You can ask questions about the practice and even ask for coaching on the spot.

What, When, and How to Participate
WHAT: Free Not-So-Quarterly Accidental Entrepreneurs  teleconference
TOPIC: Time, productivty, and freedom: The High Value Action
WHEN: Wednesday, October 31, 9am Pacific time (noon Eastern)
HOW: Teleconference/webcast. Participate by phone or listen online.

Sign up, click here.

The Call Is a Promotion-Free Zone
This call is my gift to you. There will be zero promotional content. No marketing. No selling. Just the best thing since sliced bread. (Okay, I’ll stop with the hyperbole. But it’s really, really cool.)

So Sign Up Already
Sign up to get the skinny on how to participate. Sign up even if you can’t attend because there will be a recording. But I think you will want to attend live if you possibly can. Though the practice is ultra-simple, you may have questions about how exactly to apply it for yourself.

Besides, what are the chances–really and truly–that you’ll listen to the recording? Forgive me from being dramatic, but can you afford not to be as productive and motivated in your business as you are in the work you love?

That link again, sign up, click here.

Remember, this is a 100% selling-free event. It’s my gift to you, the Accidental Entrepreneurs Community.

I hope you’ll be there!

Profit Alchemy: Like Magic but Real

Profit Alchemy is an integrated, intensive, transformative nine-month program that shows you step-by-step how to make a profit at self-employment. It includes structures like the High Value Action and mastermind groups to create momentum and establish accountability. Click here to learn more about Profit Alchemy.

Photo by Paul Arrington via Flickr