There’s a whole section of Shaboom County devoted to Master Minding. And Master Minding is also the foundation of my creative and business success.
So let’s get it out in the open and see what it is, shall we?
Napoleon Hill first formulated the concept of the Master Mind in his book “Think and Grow Rich.” Hill defined the Master Mind as “the coordination of effort between two or more people who work toward a definite end, in the spirit of harmony.” He claimed that “No two minds never come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”
Carl Jung called it the Collective Unconscious. You may call it Spirit.
Whatever you call it, there is a source of wisdom we access best when in community. And it is a huge part of getting from heart-felt intention to realizing your goals.
Powerful doesn’t mean magical
The Master Mind is a powerful resource. Some people make it sound like magic, as if all you need to do is hook up with a few successful people and your way will be made smooth.
‘Tain’t so.
In fact, the Master Mind is especially valuable in creative enterprises, which are rarely smooth. They’re not even supposed to be.
How the Master Mind works for creative people
Creative projects have a beginning, middle, and end. The thing is, that middle part can be pretty mysterious. Even baffling. Yet you have to stay engaged with the mystery (while staying connected to your vision) in order to get to the end.
This is where the Master Mind comes in. When you declare your intention or vision to the group, you stop being the only one who can see it. When you get lost–and you will–the group can remind you of what you’re up to.
Along the mysterious, crooked path to your goal, you declare your next steps to the group. The very act of articulating what comes next can make the hidden visible. And when the steps are unclear or out of reach, members of the group can see what you cannot.
Then there’s encouragement. “Cour” from “coeur” or heart. The group gives you heart when your own passion cools temporarily or when doubt creeps in. It’s like a battery that stores the energy you need to stay the course.
And finally, there’s accountability. Not a tit-for-tat, rigid set of rules about what to do when, but a regular check of what you meant to do and what actually happened. The two will diverge (it’s a creative project, remember?). Accountability helps bridge the gap so the twists and turns don’t lead you away from your goal.
Creating is not a solo act
The myth of the solo artist or entrepreneur is just that, a myth. Even when we imagine we are struggling along on our own, we are being supported by forces both visible and hidden. We are nourished both literally and figuratively in countless ways. The world around us provides a constant source of inspiration.
Still, it can be tempting to try and keep your creative process to yourself. Less embarrassing if you go sideways. Less vulnerable to other people’s critiques and ideas.
But going it alone is a mistake.
Creating, whether you are making art or a living (and is there a difference?) is a living, breathing process. There will be times when your vision gets fuzzy, when the next step is not obvious. And that’s when the support of the Master Mind process is so critical. It will keep you grounded in current reality and connected to your vision. It will give you the spaciousness to open to new possibilities while holding you accountable for doing what you know to do.
PS: Stay tuned for news of my newest project, a Wise Women’s Master Mind Group. It’s all about tools, insights, wisdom, and laughter for reinvention and renewal. And there will be room for only 12 people.
Call me a tease, but I am really excited about this.
Related posts:
Why Structure Is Your Friend (Even When You’re a Free Spirit) (article)
How to focus when you’re a creative, spontaneous type person (video)
Credit: alexdecarvalho via Flickr
under a Creative Commons License