Are you struggling with visibility? Think sunlight, not spotlight

by | Jun 11, 2012

Updated December 10, 2012

Concerns over being visible showed up in a coaching conversation, an Authentic Wealth call, and a Profit Alchemy class last week.

You often hear marketers talk about visibility in terms of being a rockstar or standing in the spotlight. Frankly, both turn me off. Who wants to be constantly on the road, getting high, never knowing if you’re liked for yourself of for your larger-than-life image?

And the spotlight? No thank you. I’ve been in the spotlight onstage, and while it’s fine there, I think it’s a flawed metaphor for getting your work into the world.

When you’re in the spotlight, you can’t see beyond its borders. Other people are your audience, not your community, and while you are lit you can’t even see their faces. When the spotlight doesn’t track you perfectly, you’re virtually invisible.

Let’s step into the sunlight

Now think for a minute about sunlight.

Sunlight is warm. Welcoming. Expansive.

When you stand in sunlight, you have room to move. The people around you can share the light. They’re your tribe, not your audience.

There’s even a rightness to the cycle of day and night. There are times to be visible and times to stand back. In the real world you shouldn’t have to be on all the time.

How will you make yourself visible this week?

I’m betting you already know at least three things you could do to be more visible this week. Perhaps you’ve been holding back because the idea of being more visible felt too exposed, too hype-y.

How would it be to re-vision those ways of being visible as gracious, authentic steps into the sunlight?

What would you have to believe to take those steps?

What are you waiting for?

Announcement: The Profit Alchemy early bird deadline is December 18, 2012

Is it time to bring the desire for success into the sunlight?

If you are called to be more visible and more profitable through effective  authentic business practices,  I respectfully invite you to consider Profit AlchemyProfit Alchemy brings the desire to succeed into the sunlight. Participants commit to creating success—their own and each other’s—through personal transformation and plain old hard work.

(Thanks to the mastermind component and my own quirky sense of humor, the hard work is also a lot of  fun.)

Profit Alchemy is a profoundly creative program with step-by-step guidance for making a good living. And it works.

The early bird discount ends on December 18, 2012. If this post resonates, you might want to apply and schedule a complimentary Purpose and Profit Strategy Session now.