Yikes. I do believe that this blog is suffering from operator-induced glitches. In plain English, that means I’ve screwed some things up while tweaking others.
Most maddening — because I want to hear what you think about the topics here — is that the comment function is whacko. I am off to Lima, Peru, and I may not get things sorted out before the flight. I figured the least I could do was let you know that I am aware of the problem and will deal with it as soon as I can.
Now, about you: I could really use your help. I know it is a pain to visit a Web site or blog that isn’t working right, and I am one detail-challenged critter of a certain age. (Does age have anything to do with it? Maybe, if only that I can’t summon up the will to be quite as obsessive as I used to be.)
Anyway – when you see something that bugs you – anything at all – please let me know. I’ll ask one of the elves who help out around here to fix it ASAP.