What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

How Do You Make Big Changes in Life and Biz?

Over the past few years there have been big changes in my life and biz. A friend recently asked, for example, if two years ago, when I decided to stop writing a weekly ezine, I knew I was going to be changing the name from Authentic Promotion to Simple Wisdom. He...

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How can you tell when a decision is the right one?

In this issue of the "Simple Wisdom" ezine I announce Pay What You Choose Coaching. This is something I have been dancing with for a l-o-n-g time. Dancing or going around in circles. I chose this pricing decision as the topic of a session with my own coach last week....

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Nothing Is an Interruption

I don't know about you, but I sometimes experience things as inconveniences or interruptions. When I do, they are problematic. But if we take a closer look, how can anything interrupt life? The only thing that interrupts life is arguing with what is.

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There’s No Way that Things Are “Supposed” to Be

Sometimes we lives as though there is a way things should unfold, that certain things should happen and other things shouldn't. Our spouses should be faithful. Loved ones should not get cancer. When we look more closely, though, we see that doesn't make any sense at...

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How Can We Be Grateful for Painful Experiences?

At the end of my August 3rd video, Nothing Is Expected, I said that I was grateful for my experience. A reader wrote and asked how that could be true, given how painful it had been. This is my response. I welcome your questions and comments!

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Why It’s Okay to Freak Out, Lessons from Breast Cancer

On July 14, I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. It's been "interesting." Prior to surgery, I was in a very calm and settled place. I was happy with the decisions I'd made. I respected and trusted my medical team. The Charming Prince was a...

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Nothing Is Expected

In mid-July I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I went into surgery feeling peaceful, calm, and confident. I came out of it feeling ravaged, confused, and sad. The hardest part of that was expecting myself to feel differently. Here are some...

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Why Analytical Thinking Gets Us Into Trouble

There's a big difference between the analytical thinking we do with our personal minds and accessing wisdom. In a prep call for the July 2015 Wholeness Hangout, Judy Sedgeman made a cogent observation about the relationship between insecurity and analytical thinking...

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