What’s in the Water?
Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream
In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.
The practical and spiritual challenges of finding and connecting with your tribe
Marketer and blogger Seth Godin defines a tribe as "a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea." In the case of your tribe of just-right clients, you are the leader, responsible for giving them care and guidance. Not in...
How to Make Money Doing What You Love While Serving Your Muse
When you work for yourself because you love what you do, your muse—your source of inspiration—matters. It connects you with a value, principle, or ideal that is bigger than you are. That lights you up and infuses your work with meaning. But it takes more than serving...
Wholeness: The Back Story for Your Superpowers
Recently the Wealth Momentum group played with the notion of superpowers and storytelling. The jumping off point was Superpowers, Storytelling, and Soul Stuff, Fabeku Fatunmise's presentation for the Self Employment Telesummit. In his presentation, Fabeku invites you...
Business on purpose: The soul-goal connection
Thinking Out Loud: The difference between your Core Purpose and a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) Your Core Purpose is the reason you've chosen your work. It's non-negotiable and doesn't change. Your Big Hairy Audacious Goal serves that purpose. You need to know the...
Gently reaping the spiritual fruit of business breakdowns
This week's ezine is brought to you in four parts: a guest Dharma Doodle and video from my friend Eric Klein, a short, short video from yours truly, and a brief article on asking the right questions. Oh, and a link to download the wonderful session Intuitive...
Yoga for your business: Fake it until you make it
Why are there so many injuries in yoga? It used to surprise me when I heard about a yoga injury. I thought of yoga as inherently gentle. Then I started practicing myself. I soon discovered that there are two ways to do yoga: with awareness or with force. And force...
How to reap the spiritual gifts of overwhelm with the four power virtues
Why do people get engaged before they get married? To engage is to become involved in a deep and committed way. The earliest root of the word meant to pledge, and that meaning has endured over the centuries. When you engage, you pledge your attentions and energy to...
Excuse me, but have you fed that plant lately?
It's funny how you can overlook the simplest things, things that have the potential to make a huge difference in your life and business. Take plant food, for example. For years we've had a leggy Schefflera in the living room. I'd water it every couple of months...
Finding your authentic niche: it’s easier than you think
[This is one in a series of articles based on reader requests for coaching. If you'd like help on a self-employment issue, email me at mgordon@mollygordon.com.] Nature is amazing in its diversity. There are big green frogs and little yellow frogs. Fat red frogs and...