What’s in the Water?
Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream
In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.
Getting Clients: Your Personal Safety Zone
The single most important tool you can have when it comes to getting clients is a Personal Safety Zone. Find out why.
Is your business caught in the feel good trap? How to get unstuck
So, imagine you're crossing a stream. Half way across, you decide you don't feel like stepping on the next rock. You're just not in the mood. So you don't. And you don't step on the one after that. Do you expect to get to the other side? Of course not. But that could...
Be yourself: The new marketing make-wrong?
Recently my good buddy, Jen Louden, tweeted: "If I read another blog post that tells me to just “be myself,” I might have to yank myself bald." I can so relate. Being yourself is the new mantra in the world of marketing. And I have to say, the experts who are touting...
How to set priorities even when your right brain says you can’t
Have you every watched a baby and a five year old play with blocks? The baby explores by putting the blocks in his mouth, throwing them, and knocking down constructions of the five year old. The five year old, further along the path of creating, selects blocks and...
How to stop doing it all without losing control of your business or your budget
Accidental Entrepreneurs are, by nature, do-it-yourselfers. We're self-reliant, sometimes impulsive, and often unwilling or unable to spend money on staff or contractors. But the truth is, we can't do it all, at least not all of the time. This article can help you...
How to find a marketing method that works for you
This week's article is in response to a question on the Accidental Entrepreneurs group at Facebook. You can join the group and get answers to your own questions about self employment by clicking here. Last year when my book was published I tried a variety of marketing...
How to go from newbie to natural at social media
Social media is everywhere these days, even in the comic strips. It seems there's a new social media site every week, and the pressure to get connected can be intense. How do you know which sites to join and where to begin? Start with the skills you already have....
When Money Worries Keep You Stuck
May 14th seemed a normal enough day. But my stomach was churning. I needed to spend the summer working on The Self Employment Telesummit, but I didn’t know how to do that and keep cash flow going. I felt stuck. I was so anxious I didn’t even want to look at the...
Keys to Authentic Marketing Even When It Doesn’t Come Naturally
A lot of us Accidental Entrepreneurs avoid marketing for the simple reason that it feels phony and weird. And since it feels that way, we may assume that authentic marketing can't be natural And sometimes we're right. Marketing can be like wearing a gaudy mask. And...