When is a blooming flower wrong? Never!

by | Nov 11, 2016

At the Three Principles Global Community Conference in Los Angeles at the end of October, I was struck by an insight shared by Mara Gleason and Eirik Grunde Olsen, founders of One Solution. Mara and Eirik created a successful international conference in just five months, and one of the reasons it worked out is that they didn’t get hung up on getting the form right. Instead they stayed oriented to the infinite, limitless creative capacity out of which all forms emerge.

As I listened to Eirik and Mara I thought about all the times I have been stopped because of internal or external criticism. It occurred to me that stopping oneself because of criticism is akin to stopping a flower mid-bloom because something isn’t quite right. It just doesn’t make sense. If that sounds familiar to you, may this video wake up a different response to negative feedback.

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