My only complaint about Carol Skolnick’s new e-book, Transformational Inquiry: Working on Your Work is that, at $14.95, it is seriously under-priced. As it happens, that is not my business; as for the rest, this little gem is a delight to read as well as a practical guide to healing your heart and regaining sanity at work.
Transformational Inquiry: Working on Your Work challenges the conventional wisdom that it is neither safe nor appropriate to reveal one’s feelings in the workplace. In applying The Work® of Byron Katie to workplace issues, Carol observes:
“We have been taught that it’s not professional (and also not safe) to expose our feelings at work; however, feelings are already abundantly apparent in every workplace, often expressed in unhealthy ways. It can be detrimental to a career or a business to react emotionally on the job and not explore our feelings sanely.”
It is rare for an e-book to be as lucid, complete, and practical as this one. At a mere 95 pages it won’t poop-out your printer or cause your eyes to glaze over. It will repay your thoughtful, open-hearted attention a thousand fold.
Transformational Inquiry: Working on Your Work, Carol L. Skolnick. Available from Clear Life Solutions It’s the second book listed on the page.