Resources for Deeper Understanding
Molly brings an anti-racist lens to every interaction. Plug in below to hear her thoughts on whiteness, how she is still learning, and how to grapple with what whiteness means in your own life and work.
Nothing Is an Interruption
I don't know about you, but I sometimes experience things as inconveniences or interruptions. When I do, they are problematic. But if we take a closer look, how can anything interrupt life? The only...
There’s No Way that Things Are “Supposed” to Be
Sometimes we lives as though there is a way things should unfold, that certain things should happen and other things shouldn't. Our spouses should be faithful. Loved ones should not get cancer. When...
How Can We Be Grateful for Painful Experiences?
At the end of my August 3rd video, Nothing Is Expected, I said that I was grateful for my experience. A reader wrote and asked how that could be true, given how painful it had been. This is my...
Nothing Is Expected
In mid-July I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I went into surgery feeling peaceful, calm, and confident. I came out of it feeling ravaged, confused, and sad. The hardest...
Why Analytical Thinking Gets Us Into Trouble
There's a big difference between the analytical thinking we do with our personal minds and accessing wisdom. In a prep call for the July 2015 Wholeness Hangout, Judy Sedgeman made a cogent...
If Everyone Is Whole, How Come It Feels Like We’re Not?
Judy Sedgeman and I had a lovely conversation on the Wholeness Hangout today, which pointed over and over again to the innate health and wholeness of every human being. And it occurred to me that we...
We Make Meaning Moment by Moment
I recently reread Viktor Frankl's classic Man's Search for Meaning. I was struck by the difference between getting preoccupied with the idea of a meaningful life and being engaged moment to moment...
The Paradox of Getting It Right: Decision-making Revisited
What does it mean to get decisions right? What is our responsibility when it comes to making the best decisions we can? And who's in charge anyway? A meditation on our shared human dilemma and a...
The Wisdom You Seek Is in You
Wisdom is not something external to you. It is part of the fabric of your being. Inspired by a conversation with Steve Adair and Tony Fielder during the Wholeness Hangout on June 12, 2015. Click...