Resources for Deeper Understanding
Molly brings an anti-racist lens to every interaction. Plug in below to hear her thoughts on whiteness, how she is still learning, and how to grapple with what whiteness means in your own life and work.
The Immense Practicality of Gratitude
Gratitude isn't just a good idea. It turns out that it's eminently practical. Contemplating the road ahead? Perhaps I can help. Click here to learn more about my coaching work, and did what you see...
Want Traction? Settle Down
There are only two things that can keep you from getting traction: something in the environment or what's going on between your ears. Regardless of which it is, there's one strategy that will put...
Just Say No to Self Improvement
Self-improvement seems like such a good idea, but when you take a closer look, well, maybe it doesn't make so much sense after all. Have you suspected or seen through the limitations of New Age...
Intense Feelings Don’t Equal Valid Thinking
It's easy to confuse intensity with clarity. We think that the intensity of our feelings is an indicator of the validity of our thinking. But it doesn't work that way! Have you suspected or seen...
Gratitude, Grace, and Enoughness
There's a relationship among gratitude, grace, and the recognition that you have enough. Have you suspected or seen through the limitations of New Age magical thinking, but you still sense that...
Leave with the One that Brung You – How to Have More Love
Why is it that the bloom so often fades in marriages, friendships, even our relationships with our businesses? Could it be as simple as innocently placing our attention in the wrong place? Have you...
One Moment of Grace
No matter how dire your situation, you are always only one thought away from a whole new world. The origin of Shaboom and an invitation to apply for individual coaching The name of my company,...
How to Create What You Want with the “Law of Contribution”
There's a lot said about the Law of Attraction. A more fruitful way to think about creating what you want is the "Law of Contribution." It's a fundamental orientation based in openness, curiosity,...
Feelings Don’t Mean What You Think They Mean
It's easy to think that our feelings tell us something about the situations we're in. We think that when we feel anxious about something in our lives or businesses, it means that it makes us...