Resources for Deeper Understanding

Molly brings an anti-racist lens to every interaction. Plug in below to hear her thoughts on whiteness, how she is still learning, and how to grapple with what whiteness means in your own life and work.

Coaching for Racial Awareness - Molly Gordon

The Cat Box Insight

In which I recount my great cat box insight: in any given moment you either want to clean the cat box or you don't. Pretending that you are not doing what you choose to do just makes things...

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Put down the weapon, keep the insight

Last week I introduced the notion of weaponized insights. I said that a weaponized insight is no longer operating as an insight, because as soon as it is twisted into a comment on your wholeness,...

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A weaponized insight is not an insight

A participant in the Come Alive and Do the Thing! group came up with a terrific term for insights that people offer you (of that you offer yourself) that are wrapped in the message that there is...

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