One liners are simple statements of stressful thoughts or beliefs to take to The Work. I keep a file of these puppies on my laptop (where did that expression come from?). Here’s a sampling:
It’s my job to know the right way to (fill in the blank).
If only I were different….
I need to be different so that…
I’d feel better if I were more organized.
It’s possible to waste my time.
It’s possible to be really badly hurt. (Think of a time when I believe I was really badly hurt. Go back there. I am badly hurt. Is it true? )
It’s wrong to want a payoff.
People should not be cold and unfeeling.
I shouldn’t enjoy myself when I am sick or injured.
I need to be good.
Slackers don’t contribute anything.
People should not be victims.
People should expect me to read their minds.
I’ll know I am trying hard enough when…
One liners