Seth Godin on Authentic Blogging

by | Jul 4, 2006

I have the most wonderful assistants. Inessa Rebeyko, who for 6 or 7 months has been optimizing my Web sites with great flair, sent me this note yesterday:

When I, inspired by your blog post Libertarianism, Capitalism,
and Social Responsibility, surfed the net, I found an e-book on
blogging by Seth Godin – I am sending it to you in the
Many ideas in this book are consonant with yours – about being
authentic when working in the web, markets as conversations, and
being able to influence the world while staying small but
thinking big. For me personally, it is very inspiring to think
that human society structure changes from a pyramidal one, where
powerful people and organizations are on the top, to the net
structure consisting of hubs with an authentic and genuinely
attractive people in their centers.

She went on to say that if I liked the e-book, we could make it available to readers of this blog. Well, duh! Seth Godin has been on my heroes list for years now, and I’m thrilled to make his book available to you. DOWNLOAD HERE