The Art of Self-Employment: Business Development and Personal Growth Coaching for Accidental Entrepreneurs

by | Jun 9, 2008

The Authentic Business Transformation Program
Goodness – that’s quite a name, isn’t it?
The thing is, it’s as accurate a description as I’ve found for what accidental entrepreneurs need to succeed. It covers:
• Working on yourself so that you don’t get in your own way. (Hey, it happens to the best of us.)
• Planning a business that fits “just right,” including finding clients and connecting with them.
• Getting paid. It’s not all about the money, but if you’re going to be in business, you’ve gotta have it.
Building a business of your own is like building a house. The question to ask before you start is: What kind of house are you wanting to build?
You can get order house plans from a catalog, and some of them are pretty nice. If you have limited resources, a simple want list, and are realistic about what you will get for your investment, this is a good place to start.
But if you’ve grown out of your starter home or are in a position to build a custom home, you’ll want your own architect.
In that case, it’s all about the fit. Poke around here, read some of the articles. You’ll know if I’m the coach you want to work with, and since I only work with 5 individual businesses at a time, I’m not interested in trying to sell you. In fact, you need to apply. I don’t mean to make this difficult for you, but a good fit is essential to success.
What’s Included?
Six months of:
Twice monthly individual one-hour coaching/consultations
Weekly assignments
Check in calls as needed
Unlimited one-on-one email support
What does it cost?
The fee is $4,200, payable at the time of enrollment. Payment plans are available.
How do I get started?
To apply, send an email to stating that you are interested in the program and including your name and phone number. I’ll get back to you to schedule a mutual interview. There will be no hard sell. This is about finding out if we are a fit, not talking you into something you may not feel ready for.
In your email, tell me:
• Why this feels right to you.
• Why now (as opposed to last year or next year, for example).
• What results you expect from the program.
• Any question you’d like me to answer.
I look forward to hearing from you!