Do you ever fantasize about the good things you could do if you had more money? Do you look forward to the day when your contributions can make a significant difference in the world, imagining that this is something you can only do when you have “made it”?
If so, then I think you’ll want to know about a a Big Hairy Audiacious Goal (aka BHAG) set by The Web Women Giving Circle, a goal that I think will speak to your heart.
Between now and the end of 2006, we have committed to raising at least $100,000 to educate women and girls in impoverished communities worldwide and equip them to start micro-businesses that will contribute to the welfare of entire communities.
Why women and girls? Those who work to end hunger and disease have become increasingly aware that short term aid can perpetuate poverty, while educating girls and women and equipping them to build modest, sustainable enterprises, makes long term improvements. Learn more about why donating to CARE is a good idea.
Amounts that might be trivial by your standards ($5. $25. $150.) can send a girl to school for a year or provide enough working capital to start a successful micro-business.
Please stop right now and make the donation that is appropriate for your circumstances. When you add your contribution to this effort, you can be assured that you will be making a difference. If every reader of this e-zine donated $10, we’d raise $100,000 from this e-zine alone. That’s what I call leverage.
It’s easy to give. Click here now , and select the amount that is right for you. If you donate before midnight, November 23rd (US Thanksgiving, get it?), you will receive one or more premiums ranging from my e-book, The Courage to Succeed, to a private coaching session.
If you prefer, you can donate to CARE directly. Email me a copy of your receipt and I will gladly provide the applicable premium upon request.