Four other coach-type critters and I formed a “brain trust” a few years ago. We have a discussion forum online where we post our goals and priorities on a monthly basis. We check in more or less daily.
Today I decided to do a mid-month check in to see whether what I’d been doing bears any resemblance to the priorities I set on the first of the month. I made notes under each priority reflecting current status.
I know that planning and implementation are challenging for a lot of folks, and I thought you might be interested in this birds-eye view of my current process.
Master Focus
Supporting systems and structures.
7/15/08: This remains important, and it is getting my attention. I feel clumsy and disjointed in my efforts to implement the system (GTD)*, and I see how I am getting closer. Using Maggie much more, both to talk things through and to take things off my plate.
*GTD=Getting Things Done by David Allen, a superb book on organizing and managing priorities.
Biz Priorities
Teleclass prep for fall.
7/15/08: I feel a bit behind the 8-ball on this, realizing how much lead time I need in advance of a class, especially when I want to talk to prospective students before hand. Oh, and when I am playing catch up with respect to teaching current classes.
Bring OmniFocus system fully online.
7/15/08: It’s happening. See Master Focus
Train Maggie in teleclass systems.
7/15/08: It’s happening, including setting ticklers for her to prompt me for deliverables
Personal Priorities
Healthy eating, sleeping, and exercise
7/15/08: So-so. I’ve been riding more, going to the gym less. Not willing to burn 3/4 of a gallon of gas to go workout indoors when it is lovely out. Sad to say that it took $4.30 gas to get my attention about conserving fuel, and there it is.
Time with family
Uh, gee, this is so out of character, but I do believe I have been unreasonably hard on myself. When I looked at this entry, my initial response was, “Shit. Haven’t done that.” But it happens that we spent two days with the grandkids over the 4th and I had brunch with nieces Amy and Sharon on Sunday (and with Amy’s baby girl).
7/15/08: A bit slippery. On the plus side, this is my focus when I present, teach, speak with clients or prospective clients. I notice I am not doing as well being present with Molly. Not being present to me looks like procrastination and veging out.
7/15/08: All in all, I still say, “Sweet.” And I like having the clarity and simplicity of this process.
What does planning look like?