Why Mike Dooley Rocks

by | Mar 15, 2007

the best abundance and attraction information

Mike Dooley is the force behind TUT, the most charming Web site and purveyor of inspiration I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience. Stephen Sloan, a man of many gifts and most recently co-founder of The Bainbridge Institute, put me on to Mike, and I believe Stephen’s mother, Anna Barczay Sloan was Stephen’s introduction.
Moving right long, the reason I bring up Mike Dooley in a blog for accidental entrepreneurs who, ostensibly, need help with their small businesses, is that Mike has it going on both as an entrepreneur and as a spiritual trailblazer. I kid you not. TUT is growing rapidly — apparently TUT was recently mentioned on Oprah– yet the site and its founders retain a refreshing air of childlike adventure and enthusiasm.
Most inspirational sayings just piss me off, but when I receive a Note from the Universe, (a free service from TUT – never spam), I feel special. That may not impress you, but it impressed the heck out of this oft-jaded and email weary critter.
Oh, and then there are Mike’s audio programs. I didn’t even consider investing in these until I’d been receiving the Notes for over a year. But in time I realized that I was hungry for more, for more lightness, more vision, and more silly yet certain proclamations of my place in the Universe.
Your mileage may vary; however if I were you and I were looking for a single audio program to use in the year ahead as a source of inspiration, encouragement, lightness, and vision, I’d look not further than Mike Dooley’s Infinite Possibilitites. The links in this post will take you to a page where you can learn more. And if you want to take a test drive, like I did, click on The Notes in the menu bar at the top of the page.
As Mike would say, “Jambo, fellow adventurer!”