What’s in the Water?
Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream
In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.
How Do You Know Which Thoughts to Believe?
"The interpretation that makes you ardent and hopeful and active and reverent is the true one." This quote from Rumi offers guidance for which thoughts to follow and which to discard. Have you suspected or seen through the limitations of New Age magical thinking, but...
Traction and the Goal Paradox
There's a paradox around goal setting that, if you don't understand it, can keep you from getting traction with the things that matter. Yes, you need to set goals to get traction, but you also need to hold them lightly. Have you suspected or seen through the...
What The Matrix Can Tell Us About Traction or Why “Just Do It” Doesn’t Do It
I've been watching The Ultimate Matrix, a mind-bending 10 DVD package of all three Matrix films plus a week's worth of special features, including six hours of commentary by philosophers Ken Wilber and Cornell West. Do I know how to have fun, or what? Anyhow, one...
How do you get off the dang dime?
We've all been there, perched on the brink of something new. Full of ideas and inspiration. Eager to make something happen. And yet... Life has a way of getting in the way sometimes. Or not life exactly, but how we hold things in our lives. How we imagine them, relate...
Can Being Spiritual Make You Happy?
Practicing spirituality to attain happiness can't work. Happiness is in our nature; it's the ground of our being. We lose sight of that in the midst of our human experience, but it never goes away. Happiness is not something to attain, it's something to come from....
Anxiety Is Always About Ego
Anxiety Is Always About Ego When we have anxiety about asking for something--asking a client for a testimonial, asking a prospective client to hire you, or making any other request--we may think we're anxious because we don't want to impose, but it's always because...
Two Reasons You May Not Be Getting Traction
What's going on when you can't get traction with a project that's important to you? It's always either something in your environment or what's going on between your ears. If it's not the environment, odds are that you're thinking about yourself instead of about thing...
How to deal with resistance? Stay in the game!
When it comes to dealing with resistance, you could suck it up and power through; you could cave; or you could stay in the game.
Let’s just say YES to creating deeper online relationships
When I was a baby coach in the mid 1990s, the Internet was new territory. I had lots of time, few clients, and a huge appetite for learning and connection. That led to my first ("Look, Ma! I built it myself!) Web site, developing and leading courses at...