What’s in the Water?
Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream
In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.
Four cures for the low self-confidence blues
Have you ever had one of those days when your confidence takes a nose-dive and you'd as soon hide under a bush as put yourself out there? Who hasn't? When you work for yourself, you need self-confidence to promote your work. At the same time, it can be elusive for the...
Does the Buddha want you to make a profit?
I don't care about making you a millionaire. I'm not interested into turning you into a marketing machine. And actually, I don't know if the Buddha wants you to make a profit or not. But I want you to. And I think the Buddha would approve. Here are three reasons why I...
Make More Happen by Letting More In
The following is a guest post from my friend and colleague, Michele Lisenbury Christensen. She wrote it during one of the few warm spells in Seattle this summer, thus the reference to hot weather. Lately, here in Seattle, the sun has been pouring out its sizzling...
When biz gets scary: How to play a bigger game without getting too big for your britches
Last week a group of coaches challenged me to play a bigger game. To declare a larger vision for my business, acknowledge long term goals, and live up to my ability to plan for and achieve them. I'm all over that, and yet... Playing a bigger game sounds suspiciously...
Actually, you don’t reap what you sow: The truth about thriving self employment
It's not true that you reap what you sow. You reap what you sow and pay attention to. Take my garden. I'm an impulsive sort, so my evolution as a gardener began with somewhat slapdash, if enthusiastic, planting. I'd plant as soon as I got around to it in the Spring,...
Why “The Secret” Hasn’t Made You a Millionaire
This article goes against much of what passes for spiritual teaching these days. It says that succeeding (even modestly) is hard work. It also says you can do it. If self-employment isn't turning out the way you want, this could be the most important thing you read...
The dangers of being jaded
So, I'm dead set against magical thinking. But there's also danger in being jaded. Here's a quick take on the importance of believing in good things.
When you hit a wall, hang a left
Sometimes, in spite of your best intentions to take focused action, you run into a wall. When that happens, hang a left.
Creating the good life: Why it’s your moral responsibility to choose and pursue prosperity
May I ask you a personal question? Are you earning enough to be secure and comfortable, to live without worry about how you'll cope with the inevitable surprises that life throws your way? Many of the Accidental Entrepreneurs I work with are not. They're getting by....