What’s in the Water?
Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream
In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.
Shining: How to believe in your own success
Photo credit: Dad 🙂 Quite a few years back I had one of those quasi-mystical experiences that shakes you up and refocuses your life. I don't remember where I was or what I was doing, yet the moment of realization is as clear now as it was then. It's a bit scary to...
Why is it so hard to trust yourself?
Out on a limb: Why you should pray for your clients
Okay, I'm going a bit out on a limb today. And I hope you will stick with me whatever your spiritual leanings, because this article can prevent burnout, improve client results, and increase your confidence and motivation. And, as you'll see, it isn't nearly as woo-woo...
How to stop Impostor Syndrome in its tracks: 7 strategies for reclaiming confidence and motivation
It happens to everybody, including the most experienced and successful people. One minute you're a player, and the next you're an impostor. A pretend expert. An embarrassing excuse for a professional. It's called Impostor Syndrome, and it can throw you and your...
Why lowering your standards helps you reach audacious goals
Audacious goals are inspiring. Invigorating. And sometimes hard to wrap your mind around, which can be overwhelming. One of the best ways to manage the overwhelm is to measure your progress a day at a time. As they say, what gets measured gets done. Measuring progress...
How to succeed at self-employment when you aren’t a superhero, a rockstar, or a guru
What if Wonder Woman's crown is too small for an ordinary mortal? What if thinking you should be a superhero or a rockstar or a guru is actually cramping your style, keeping you small? What if trying to do it all is ruining (harsh word, and it may be true) your biz?...
Miss Congeniality seeks universal peace by managing for profitability
Photo by: greendragonflygirl via Flickr Under a Creative Commons License I was sprawled on the floor of a sunny Bainbridge Island living room, thinking about blindspots. The occasion was the annual retreat of my Brain Trust, a master mind group of five coaches. We...
Why are you okay with being less than? The shadow side of “good enough”
There you are, poised at the top of a really, really steep ski run. You can't see the bottom of the run, let alone see a way to get there without breaking every bone in your body. You're sweating bullets and frozen in place. (Couldn't help myself.) You're firmly in...
Yikes! What if you ARE earning what you deserve?
Updated December 12, 2012 Let's end underearning now. I want to light a fire under you, and in the process I may irritate you. My hope is that even if you're put off by this article, it will shake up your thinking, inspire you to end underearning, and even catalyze...