What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

How to Stop Hiding When Clients Have Money Issues

Photo: istockphoto.com A funny thing can happen when a prospective client questions whether they can afford your work. One minute you are right there with them, present and connected. The next, you're looking for a box to put over your head. Somehow money issues send...

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Getting Clients: It’s About Them

How do you communicate everything you are and everything you've done to a prospective client? You don't. Here's what you do instead. Embed code for HTML: Psst. Download a free 60-minute teleclass, "3 Keys to Getting Clients with Ease and Grace" here.

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Why one just-right client is all it takes to get more clients

If you've been going round in circles trying to figure out how to get more clients, I have good news for you. If you concentrate on getting to know one--only one--just-right client really well, you can use that to get many more clients. Psst. The Goldilocks Strategy...

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Self Care for the Accidental Entrepreneur

Here's a brief but inspiring video from my buddy Jen Louden. It refers to her upcoming Virtual Retreat, an affordable option for anyone who is strapped for the time and $$ they need for self-care. I've agreed to be a partner in that oh-so-worthy offering. Enjoy!...

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How to turn mistakes into profits

Even the most talented artists need to learn their craft. The same is true of learning how to make a profit when you work for yourself. And we learn largely by trial and error. The artist has the luxury of making mistakes in private, or at least in the relatively...

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