What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

How to Be Focused

Focus. Momentum. Stick-to-it-iveness. All necessary traits of the Accidental Entrepreneur who plans to pay the bills with the fruit of his or her labor. But what do you do when you don't have the oomph and "just do it" is more likely to send you into hiding than into...

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The Co-Dependent Entrepreneur: Why Self-Employment Feels Hard

The response to last week's video was incredible. So much support. So much connection. And a smattering of co-dependence. When a lightning bolt struck me this morning, I realized I just had to talk about it. So I did, for about 6 minutes. And at the end, I'll spend...

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Content Is King, but Connection Rules

To spare my aching wrist, today's blog entry/ezine is a 6-minute video about why connecting with people is more important, by far, than marketing or even delivering value. Things to know before watching: -- I'm not wearing makeup. -- I'm having a bad-ish hair day. --...

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Who can you trust? Why the hardest trust to earn is your own

Trust can be a problem for accidental entrepreneurs, have you noticed? We may worry about whether a bookkeeper is honest, a website designer competent, or a client happy. Many of us also worry about how we come across. What does the bookkeeper think about how we spend...

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Fear and self-loathing in the entrepreneurial trenches

From a post to my mastermind buddies this morning, slightly edited for family audiences. I am a bit blue and harried today. Two customers are being a pain. (Take that, inner censor. I'm modeling authenticity not spiritual correctness just this minute.) My wrist hurts;...

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