What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

Marketing to Mr. and Ms. Right

Somewhere in the world there are prospective clients or customers who will fit you and your work "just right." (If this doesn't feel true for you yet, then you have work to do. Perhaps you need training, practice, or mentoring before you can attract "just right"...

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Don’t It Make You Want to Shout? Good News Marketing

It's 1962. In the upstairs bathroom of a modest middle-class home in Bowie, Maryland, a young girl crouches in a bubble bath lathering a bar of Ivory® soap. She mixes in a handful of foam from the froth that surrounds her. Examining the silky, slithery results...

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Commitments and Serving Your Customers

Commitments are at the heart of business, and it is important to make and execute them with integrity. When you make and keep the commitments that matter most, the ones that align with your values, utilize your talents, and satisfy your heart's desires, you find it...

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How to Find the Sweet Spot for Effective Niche Marketing

Your best marketing and promotion efforts are likely to come to naught unless you focus them in a specific niche. Without this focus, your message is diluted, spread so thin that no one really knows what you stand for or who you can help. A niche that fits is is the...

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Fear – The Ultimate Productivity Blocker

Jennifer Louden of Life Organizer fame tagged me in a conversation on productivity started by Ben Yoskovitz. This is a particularly timely conversation as I've spent the past four months de-cluttering, clarifying, simplifying, and cleaning in the service of getting my...

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Blog Revisions

If you're a feedburner subscriber, you may have received a notice that a heap of new posts were added over the weekend. Not so. I spent a good part of Saturday fiddling with the blog. If you're a regular visitor, you'll notice the changes right away. There's a link...

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The Just-Right Challenge

Does your business fit "just right"? Do you even believe it's possible? Would you prefer a business that did fit "just right"? I'm on a mission to change the notion that working for yourself needs to be a struggle. Folks who are motivated to express and share their...

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Why Fear Is Good for Your Business

Ever been afraid? If you work for yourself or are thinking about it, you may feel a good deal more fear than you thought was appropriate for a reasonably self-aware human bean. Self aware or not, when you set out on the path of self-employment, there are plenty of...

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