What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

Ethical Profit Seeking

“Please don't give me anything or do anything for me unless you can do so with the kind of joy a little child has when it feeds a hungry duck." -Marshall B. Rosenberg Do you struggle with the ethics of making a profit? Here's the deal. When we keep our businesses on...

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Resilience, Flow, and give me a break

My best bud, Jennifer Louden just figured out that I'm blogging and sent me a note to say she'd mentioned my blog in hers. I surfed over to see what she'd said, and one of the comments to the post got me going. The commenter, whom I am sure is a lovely person (after...

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I think I have it! Life purpose is…

...an action! Whew. For several years I've noticed that I get irritated when people talk about life purpose. You see, I don't have one, or at least not a purpose that will hold still. Then, this morning, it occurred to me: Life purpose is not a thing, it's an action....

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Top two time wasters

1. Resentment 2. Pretending you are or thinking you should be what you're not. Think about it. How much time do you spend resenting someone or something that has happened in the past or wanting to be what you're not? I couldn't begin to count the hours, days, years...

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Getting What You Need: You Can’t Run Depleted

Another quickie before bed. Three weeks ago I submitted to a group of colleagues a question: "What's up with my lack of will? Is there something I should notice, or is it simply gestation time or (just a HINT of grandiosity here) perhaps that I am so very mature that...

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When Grownups Stop Going to Work

I woke up this morning in the midst of a dream, the phrase "I'm not showing up for work anymore" ringing in my head. In the dream, a raven-haired woman of a certain age had made that declaration, and I understood it to mean that the "work" she had been doing defined...

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No more excuses: the call to ordinary engagement

"Your excuses have vanished: This is the age of ordinary art. This is the age of ordinary journalists." So writes Evelyn Rodriguez, a blogger first brought to my attention by Dilys, a traditionally built pink dinosaur with attitude and a good wardrobe and author of "G...

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Putting off the inevitable

I'm sitting on my Fitball® (my desk chair of choice) amidst stacks of paper, business cards, books, electronic devices and cables, and other detritus, momentarily stunned, albeit gently (?) into inaction. Might as well blog. In the olden days I was a champion...

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