How to manage from happiness when resistance strikes

How to manage from happiness when resistance strikes

Last week I wrote that moods and emotions are infallible barometers of the quality of our thinking. When we are experiencing the innate wellbeing that is our default setting, our thinking is creative, resourceful, wise. When we are temporarily cut off from our innate...
More than skin deep: Cultivating beauty in your business

More than skin deep: Cultivating beauty in your business

A few weeks ago one of the participants in the Profit Alchemy course shared this quote from William Morris: If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful....
Why moods don’t have to mess up your business

Why moods don’t have to mess up your business

Some years back I experienced epic premenstrual syndrome. Not only was I frequently sad, I was angry as hell. Some days it was all I could do to be even marginally civil. Shoot, many days I couldn’t even manage that. By the time I got my period, I was mentally...
Find the wisdom to grow your biz in a good feeling

Find the wisdom to grow your biz in a good feeling

When I look back over the years that I’ve been in business, I see that my best decisions have all been grounded in a good feeling. I’m not talking about feeling blissed out or jazzed or confident, though those things have sometimes accompanied the good...
Pssst! You don’t need to believe that thought

Pssst! You don’t need to believe that thought

A zillion thoughts pass through our minds every day. I’ve heard numbers ranging from 30,000 to 100,000, but hey, who’s counting? Whatever the number, we have way more thoughts than we can possibly think into. Which begs the question, do we need to believe...