by Molly Gordon | Nov 13, 2015 | Ambition, Coaching, Confidence, Creativity, Goal Setting, Video, Vision, Wisdom
Clarity doesn’t always come at the beginning of the creative process. Engage with your life now. Follow the tiny prompts without waiting for a thunderbolt to strike. Clarity will emerge. But if you wait for clarity, you may never get started.
by Molly Gordon | Nov 6, 2015 | Ambition, Confidence, Consciousness, Creativity, Emotional intelligence, Goal Setting, Happiness, Life purpose, Video, Wealth, Wellbeing
Don’t use spirituality to escape from the nitty gritty of life. Get your hands dirty. Click here to learn about my newest program, The Art of Living: Creating Magic and Meaning in Life and Work. Save $100 when you sign up before April 21, 2016.
by Molly Gordon | Oct 22, 2015 | Ambition, Confidence, Goal Setting, Small business, Three Principles, Video
Taking sides, making choices, and taking action makes life interesting. Sometimes we hold back, however, for fear of getting it wrong. But what if you are safe to play again and again, even if you get it wrong?
by Molly Gordon | Oct 16, 2015 | Ambition, Confidence, Life purpose, Meaning, Success, Three Principles, Video, Wisdom
Worried that you don’t feel passion for your work or have lost a sense of purpose? Here’s why it’s not a problem. Please share your thoughts in the...
by Molly Gordon | Oct 5, 2015 | Ambition, Authenticity, Coaching, Confidence, Consciousness, Creativity, Getting clients, Happiness, Meaning, Mindfulness, Productivity, Self-employment, Service, Small business, Success, Uncategorized, Vision, Wellbeing, Wisdom
Last month I stopped charging set fees and announced Pay What You Choose pricing. Here are some of the things I’ve learned so far. 1. You don’t have to know step three before you take step one. I have wanted to try PWYC pricing for at least two years. One...
by Molly Gordon | Aug 3, 2015 | Ambition, Breast cancer, Emotional intelligence, Happiness, Self care, Spirit, Video, Wellbeing, Wisdom
In mid-July I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I went into surgery feeling peaceful, calm, and confident. I came out of it feeling ravaged, confused, and sad. The hardest part of that was expecting myself to feel differently. Here are some...
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