by Molly Gordon | Jul 2, 2006 | Ambition, Authenticity, Confidence, Emotional intelligence, Getting clients, Marketing, Meaning, Mindfulness, Spirit, Success, Uncategorized
One disadvantage of getting to know people through Web pages or an e-zine is that folks can get the wrong impression. For instance, some people think marketing comes naturally to me. Nothing could be further from...
by Molly Gordon | Jun 23, 2006 | Confidence, Emotional intelligence, Mindfulness, Self care, Spirit
How easy it is to notice extremes. Maybe that’s why we humans sometimes default to a black or white, good or bad view of ourselves and the world even when long years and experience have proven that life is anything but black and white. Perhaps our minds gravitate to...
by Molly Gordon | May 3, 2006 | Authenticity, Confidence, Emotional intelligence, The Work
It occurs to me that one of the most maddening beliefs in contemporary western society (at least in the US) is the belief that we should know ourselves. Plutarch attributes the maxim “Know Thyself” to the Delphic Oracle. I suppose he would know; he was a priest of the...
by Molly Gordon | Feb 17, 2006 | Emotional intelligence
My best bud, Jennifer Louden just figured out that I’m blogging and sent me a note to say she’d mentioned my blog in hers. I surfed over to see what she’d said, and one of the comments to the post got me going. The commenter, whom I am sure is a...
by Molly Gordon | Feb 17, 2006 | Emotional intelligence, The Work
1. Resentment 2. Pretending you are or thinking you should be what you’re not. Think about it. How much time do you spend resenting someone or something that has happened in the past or wanting to be what you’re not? I couldn’t begin to count the...
by Molly Gordon | Feb 8, 2006 | Choice, Emotional intelligence, Mindfulness, Self care
Stop by Louden Mouth, and you’ll be treated to a rich conversation ranging from ambition to magical thinking to trust, comfort, and building foundations for our lives and work. There are several comments from my friend, the brilliant business coach Mark Silver...
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