Pssst! You don’t need to believe that thought

Pssst! You don’t need to believe that thought

A zillion thoughts pass through our minds every day. I’ve heard numbers ranging from 30,000 to 100,000, but hey, who’s counting? Whatever the number, we have way more thoughts than we can possibly think into. Which begs the question, do we need to believe...
Money: How to close the conversation gap with authentic pricing

Money: How to close the conversation gap with authentic pricing

It’s one of those beautiful situations in which you’re in a great conversation about your work. Everything is going so well. Until the talk turns to money. Suddenly you’re out of synch and that wonderful connection you had is broken. What happened?...
How to Make Money Doing What You Love While Serving Your Muse

How to Make Money Doing What You Love While Serving Your Muse

When you work for yourself because you love what you do, your muse—your source of inspiration—matters. It connects you with a value, principle, or ideal that is bigger than you are. That lights you up and infuses your work with meaning. But it takes more than serving...