Eagle Cam

I find this riveting: live web cam of an eagles’ nest in British Columbia, Canada, including two babies.

Maybe You Aren’t Stuck (It’s worth a thought)

This week’s article is short and sweet. I’m at A Conversation Among Masters, where I’ve been riveted, delighted, and nurtured since Sunday evening. Wow. Now, the the point. A while back, one of the amazing citizens of Shaboom County started a thread...

Are you really listening to prospective clients?

Expertise, experience, and empathy are assets that can turn into liabilities when we listen to prospective clients. Expertise can get in the way of hearing what the client wants from his or her point of view. If we start solving the problem or explaining how we can...

How to Feel Good About What You Charge

Photo credit: Artistic Captures via istockphoto.com Figuring out how much to charge causes a lot of stress among Accidental Entrepreneurs. And that’s too bad, because when you aren’t comfortable with what you charge, you avoid talking about it. And that...

Time (Where Does It Go, Anyway?)

The 2 minute 38 second video Synopsis: How much time do you really have? My chief learning for the first quarter of 2009 is: Things Take A Helluva Lot More Time Than You Realize. Each project includes numerous tasks and even entire areas of activity that do not come...

How a Bogus Email Led Me to Clean Up My Stuff

Last week I blogged about mistakes. You can can read “Why I Don’t (Seem to) Care About Mistakes” here. The bottom line: mistakes are survivable; inaction is not. Here, to balance that point of view, is an article I wrote some time back about...