Are you suffering from financial anorexia? Bring mixed money motives out of the closet

A few years back, when I began sending newsletter subscribers occasional messages offering a class, book, or program, a few readers complained. One asked if it were possible to receive the newsletters but not the offers. As I read that, my heart sped up, the bubble...

The practical and spiritual challenges of finding and connecting with your tribe

Marketer and blogger Seth Godin defines a tribe as “a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.” In the case of your tribe of just-right clients, you are the leader, responsible for giving them care and...
How to Make Money Doing What You Love While Serving Your Muse

How to Make Money Doing What You Love While Serving Your Muse

When you work for yourself because you love what you do, your muse—your source of inspiration—matters. It connects you with a value, principle, or ideal that is bigger than you are. That lights you up and infuses your work with meaning. But it takes more than serving...