Resources for Deeper Understanding
Molly brings an anti-racist lens to every interaction. Plug in below to hear her thoughts on whiteness, how she is still learning, and how to grapple with what whiteness means in your own life and work.
There’s genius lurking underneath your thoughts about how you are doing
The synopsis: There are times in life when we’re doing just fine, even spectacularly, but for our confused thinking about how we are doing. Rather than trying to do better, we can drop our story...
Decision-making mojo: quiet mind and open heart
When we try to impose high-mindedness on our decisions, we may inadvertently find ourselves invested in being right and in getting "good" results. When we make decisions instead from a quiet place,...
The transformative power of settling down
"Settle down" are two of the most powerful words in the English language. Here's why.
Feeling feelings versus thinking about feelings
We have a very different experience of life when we simply feel our feelings as opposed to when we worry about our feelings. The direct experience of sadness, for example, can be a doorway to...
Two Kinds of Not Knowing: Confusion and Wonder
The ability to simply not know is key to having new thought. I first learned of not knowing from Charlie Badenhop of Seishindo. From him I learned of the importance of engaging with not knowing with...
You are precious, and so is everyone else
Inspired by my visit to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary: You are precious, unique in all the world, and valued beyond measure. And so is everyone around you. Don't just nod your head. Think about...
Reflection versus rumination
Reflection and rumination are very different styles of thinking. Rumination is locked in the past, a chewing over and reliving of old feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Reflection may begin with...
Are you an individual solving a problem or part of an unfolding miracle?
It is easy to become discouraged, frustrated, even resentful and angry when we face world problems as individuals fighting against an external ill. How can we hope to overcome such things as...
There’s not actually a conflict between anxiety and insight
Though it might seem like we need to make a choice between anxiety and an insight that can see through or behind our moment to moment experience, we really don't. Awareness takes care of things...