How to get planning right or how not to be a bridezilla in your business

How to get planning right or how not to be a bridezilla in your business

I can get really nervous around brides to be. I have a lot of thinking about the time, energy, and expense involved in planning a wedding. Some of that is my stuff. Some comes from seeing good people transformed into bridezillas by attachment to their visions of the...
How to promote your work: Stick your head in the sand or dance on the beach?

How to promote your work: Stick your head in the sand or dance on the beach?

If you are reading this, you’ve probably thought a fair amount about how to promote your work. My guess is that some of that thinking has been fraught with feelings ranging from queasiness to outright disgust. As if that weren’t uncomfortable enough, you...
How to manage for happiness when your thing doesn’t fly

How to manage for happiness when your thing doesn’t fly

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. ~ Albert Schweitzer What’s going on when you put your work out there and you don’t get the response you’d hoped for? When your thing doesn’t fly? I’ve been thinking...