What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

Why Coaches Should Avoid the Black Box of Stuckness

[I'm experimenting with having transcripts of my videos made. Let me know if you like it, are neutral, or hate it. ♥ MLG] If you have been a regular video follower or watcher, thank you for your flexibility and patience in these last couple of months. For four years...

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Effective coaching addresses the signal not the noise

I spent three days last week in San Francisco exploring and practicing ways to make coaching more effective in the third 7 Paths Forward workshop with David Goldsmith and David Peterson. This work made me more and more convinced that honing skills is helpful, but only...

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ICF and 3P: the time has come

Here's my "impossible project" for Michael Neill's Creating the Impossible 2018 program. In the next 90 days I will make the Three Principles the explicit foundation for coaching in the International Coach Federation (ICF) tradition. It will be obvious that this has...

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Dancing with impossiblityy

My current definition of coaching is "meeting clients at the interface between formlessness and form for the sake of creating something marvelous."  Michael Neill is especially skilled at pointing to and working at this interface, which is why he'll be my guest next...

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Resilience: Riding the Roller Coaster of Life with Ease

Resilience: Riding the Roller Coaster of Life with Ease I'm delighted to announce that next month I'm teaching an affordable, local, in-person course in the principles that give rise to resilience in all aspects of life and work. This is not another stress management...

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What art tells us about life

I frequently use art as a metaphor for living life wisely and well. There's The Art of Living, an exploration of how we are designed to live creatively and joyfully and the potential for waking up every day like children eager to paint on walls and splash in mud...

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The critical difference between wondering and chasing wonder

I've posted about wonder as the key that unlocks state of mind and the beautiful distinctions between confusion and wonder as ways of not knowing. In this video I point the the critical difference between wonder as a noun or concept and wondering as a verb or way of...

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On messing up

Some years ago I made a horrible mistake. (And yes, I've made tons of mistakes since then; this is just the one that comes to mind in the moment.) I was president of a local arts organization, and in that role I was making the rounds of galleries during an Arts Walk....

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