What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

Fear and Loathing in Marketing-Land

Tomorrow's Wednesday, so I might as well spill the beans in a Wednesday Wildcard post. I've been scared about marketing lately. Afraid people won't like me if I promote my work. Afraid of being called names (yes, it happens) and accused of having nefarious motives....

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Q&A about Getting Biz from Big Companies

Today Barbara Weaver Smith answers questions about her book, Whale Hunting Women. Dear Barbara Weaver Smith: What would you say to someone who only has experience in a competitive environment to make them be open to give collaboration a chance? I’d ask them, how’s...

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Wildcard Wednesday: success, fanaticism

A collection of oddments too good to ignore that don't quite fit anywhere else. And the second installment of what may well become a weekly feature. Oh, and this week I wrote Wildcard Wednesday on Tuesday and posted it on Thursday. Go figure. You gotta love Twitter....

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Administrivia or Momentum?

You know those little things you have to do that sometimes leave you feeling like you can't get anything important done? Maybe they aren't the problem you think they are. [6/8/09 For some reason this particular post has become a magnet for spammers, so I've closed the...

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Interview with a Whale Hunting Woman

Last week I reviewed Barbara Weaver Smith's book, Whale Hunting Women. Shortly afterward, I had a delightful conversation with her about how women (including self employed solo-preneurs) are uniquely qualified to seek and get business from much larger organizations....

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What to do when there’s too much to do

Photo: by 66blacktiger Courtesy of iStockPhoto This week started with me feeling frantic. I had/have lots of incompletes to complete and a heap of work to do on the Self EmploymentTelesummit, not to mention a sales calendar to draft. (That's so I can keep good work...

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