What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

Learning in the realm of Spirit

Spirit. No wonder I don't write about this stuff more often. I truly don't even know what to call it. Spirit? Consciousness? The Divine? I know that, for me, characterizing the ineffable Isness/suchness/whatever of All That Is as the Universe feels like wimping out....

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Thank you [CPR for the Soul]

This year I have sent two special mailings to my list. Each was a recommendation to invest in a book by one of my coaching colleagues (actually, two of my colleagues, one per book). The response to both mailings has been phenomenal, which tells me how strong our...

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Powerful Conversations

My friend and colleague, Fran Fisher, is a master at holding powerful conversations, and now she's taking that mastery into the blogosphere. Check it out.

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The Charming Prince: Identity Revealed!

What can I say? I'm married to the guy, have been since March 25, 1978. I moved into his house in March, 1975, when he was out of town on business. (It wasn't planned. I borrowed his truck to move my things, then wrote a check for half the rent and put it on the...

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Meet Blanche, Poster Car for the Post-Ironic Age

19 months ago, I bought a new car. A brand new car. My first. And I shopped, compared, bargained, selected, and financed it all by myself, with the financing based on income from my own company. That may not impress you, but it impressed (and impresses) the hell out...

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An Immersion Course in The Language of Love

In my newsletter this week, I quote Charlie Badenhop of www.seishindo.org, “If there is one thing the body really does understand, it is the language of love!” I met Charlie when he was leading the Somatics module of the Newfield Network Graduate Coaching Program in...

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Our Favorite Endorsement

Dilys Dinosaur (seen here on vacation) is a web icon created for a quirky weblog we're always happy we visited, G as in Good H as in Happy. She was created by one of our Authentic Promotion students at Fishy Art Co, a communications and coaching company in Austin, TX....

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Ouch! Tulip trauma

I broke a couple of ribs on Saturday, and I'm sitting in bed with my laptop, nursing my bones and my sore throat (from riding in the rain? I doubt it. Self pity? A virus? Is it just possible that it's none of my business?) It was my second Tulip Pedal, an annual...

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Cherishment and the Bliss of Peace

A couple of weeks ago I wrote in my newsletter, "If compassion is the noun, cherish is the verb." I also linked to a post in this blog, To Love and to Cherish. That prompted a man named David Cicia to write. I'm impressed by what I learned of David and his work, so...

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