What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

Empowerment: a realistic alternative to the drama triangle

 Empowerment. It's one of those words that have been so ill- and over-used that it almost connotes its opposite. Therefore, it was with a certain amount of skepticism that I first looked at my friend and colleague David Emerald's book, The Power of TED* (*The...

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Why I love coaching

Ohmigod, do I love coaching. Today I had lunch with Michael Bungay Stainer, who last night was named "Canada's Best Coach." Readers of my ezine will recognize Michael as the creator of what I call "the $54 coach," a beautifully designed and brilliantly conceived book...

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Peaking over the edge of the well

All right, sports fans. Comments are enabled. The URL has been simplified. And the new site, blog and all, has been ported to ShaboomInc.com. It's a new day.

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Growing Up Is Hard to Do

Grown ups need to deal with relationships with people who are in one way or another dependent on them, especially people who are supposed to be grown ups themselves. As the oldest of eight children, I found having things reasonably together and being reasonably...

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Confessions of an info junkie

              My name is Molly, and I am an information junkie. I started using information to feel good about myself and to make myself safe when, in the first grade, I received an “A” in Phonics. My parents were incredibly proud....

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Tales of Woe and Intrigue

I’m frequently surprised by the number of intelligent and seemingly self-aware people who not only fall for but also promulgate sob stories. I’m talking about culturally mediated and validated sob stories, choruses of “ain’t it awful’’ sung in settings ranging from...

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I know we’re not supposed to fear failure, but…

How do you respond to failure? How do you feel when you realize you’ve made an error of judgment or violated your own standards? Personally, I hate it. And nothing irritates me more than a happy-talking, self-appointed New Age pundit who’s getting rich telling me that...

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Team Party

Have I mentioned that our fearless leader, Steve Rhoades, is at the heart of the cycling adventure? That's Steve on the left. The team is celebrating his 51st birthday. To Steve's left are Molly, Mike (a stalwart companion and honorary BP), and Julie.

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