Six No-cost Ways to Fall In Love with Your Business Starting Now from My Library to Yours

When I stopped writing my weekly ezine after 16 years, I promised that I would look for other no-cost ways for you to be happier and more successful at self-employment. So I said to myself, “Self, what do you have to offer that would be of obvious value to...
Why you don’t need to fear scarcity thinking

Why you don’t need to fear scarcity thinking

Not surprisingly, scarcity thinking came up during the Wealth Makeover calls last week. One common concern was how to meet financial setbacks without going into scarcity thinking. During the calls we talked about the essential wholeness and wellbeing that is our...

The common cause of romantic mistakes and financial insecurity

We’ve all had friends who repeat romantic mistakes. You may know a dreamy-eyed romantic who confuses surface and substance. Or perhaps your friend is a sad-eyed victim who sees deception and shallowness behind the face of every prospective mate. From where you...
Opportunity: you can’t miss out unless you lock on

Opportunity: you can’t miss out unless you lock on

Nobody wants to miss out on an opportunity, whether it is for true love, adventure, new business–whatever. But you actually can’t miss out unless you lock on. Here’s what I mean. We tend to think of opportunities as if they exist out in the world....