by Molly Gordon | May 1, 2016 | Community, Consciousness, Life purpose, Serving others, Three Principles, Wellbeing, Wisdom
Julian of Norwich is fabled for saying, “All is well, and all manner of things be well.” I’m sure she’d be delighted to know that I agree. On some cosmic level everything is magnificent, amazing, and just peachy keen. And yet… And yet the...
by Molly Gordon | Apr 5, 2016 | Ambition, Authenticity, Choice, Community, Confidence, Consciousness, Flow, Freedom, Happiness, Life purpose, Meaning, Mind, Mindfulness, Productivity, Responsibility, Self care, Self-employment, Small business, Success, Uncategorized, Vision, Wellbeing, Wisdom
The problem of weaponized insight A participant in the Come Alive and Do the Thing! Mastermind has a brilliant term for the use of a supposedly wise observation to critique or diminish another person: weaponized insight. Don’t you love it? At first it was...
by Molly Gordon | Mar 25, 2016 | Consciousness, Emotional intelligence, Fear, Spirit, Thought, Video, Wellbeing, Wisdom
The title says it all, except for this: “No, really.” In every situation, including horrific ones, worrying doesn’t help. Caring helps. Love helps. And the less we worry, the clearer our minds and freer our hearts to express caring and love. Click...
by Molly Gordon | Mar 18, 2016 | Consciousness, Lovingkindness, Spirit, Thought, Video, Wellbeing
Albert Einstein once remarked to Werner Heisenberg, “Whether you can observe a thing or not depends on the theory which you use. It is the theory which decides what can be observed.” When we operate from the basis that there is or can be anything fundamentally wrong...
by Molly Gordon | Feb 5, 2016 | Choice, Consciousness, Freedom, Happiness, Video, Wisdom
The theme of choice continues in this reflection on the difference in how we experience choice depending on whether we are regarding it as a test or an expression of our human capacity. I riff on Mary Oliver’s well-known line, “What is it you plan to do...
by Molly Gordon | Feb 2, 2016 | Ambition, Authenticity, Choice, Coaching, Community, Confidence, Consciousness, Emotional intelligence, Happiness, Life purpose, Lovingkindness, Meaning, Mindfulness, Personal, Productivity, Resources, Self care, Self-employment, Service, Serving others, Small business, Spirit, Success, Time, Uncategorized, Wellbeing, Wisdom
When Reality Hits, It Isn’t “Reality” A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away I was a heavy smoker. Heavy as in two packs a day. One day I decided to quit. It was the last day of a hunting trip in eastern Washington. (Yes, in that other galaxy in...
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