by Molly Gordon | Oct 30, 2011 | Marketing, Meaning, Productivity, Success
Why are there so many injuries in yoga? It used to surprise me when I heard about a yoga injury. I thought of yoga as inherently gentle. Then I started practicing myself. I soon discovered that there are two ways to do yoga: with awareness or with force. And force...
by Molly Gordon | Oct 24, 2011 | Emotional intelligence, Life purpose, Meaning, Mindfulness, Self care, Self-employment, Spirit, Success, Uncategorized, Vision
Why do people get engaged before they get married? To engage is to become involved in a deep and committed way. The earliest root of the word meant to pledge, and that meaning has endured over the centuries. When you engage, you pledge your attentions and energy to...
by Molly Gordon | Oct 16, 2011 | Ambition, Confidence, Success, Uncategorized
It’s funny how you can overlook the simplest things, things that have the potential to make a huge difference in your life and business. Take plant food, for example. For years we’ve had a leggy Schefflera in the living room. I’d water it every...
by Molly Gordon | Oct 9, 2011 | Confidence, Creativity, Marketing, Money, Success
[This is one in a series of articles based on reader requests for coaching. If you’d like help on a self-employment issue, email me at] Nature is amazing in its diversity. There are big green frogs and little yellow frogs. Fat red frogs...
by Molly Gordon | Oct 2, 2011 | Ambition, Confidence, Creativity, Goal Setting, Productivity, Spirit, Success, Uncategorized
A few weeks ago I wrote about procrastination. But what about times when you’re not so much procrastinating as you are unable to get in the flow with a creative project? Here’s a question from a reader about one of those times. For you it may not be...
by Molly Gordon | Sep 26, 2011 | Confidence, Meaning, Resources, Success
We all know what it’s like when you have too many balls in the air. You drop a ball here, forget an appointment there. You make dumb mistakes. And then? You feel embarrassed. Maybe you get apologetic or defensive. And, of course, you try to pick up the dropped...
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