My adventure in niche sites

Niche sites have been around for a while. They are highly focused sites that offer lots of content around a narrowly defined topic for a specific audience. Like How to Raise Frogs with Your Three Year Old. Or Growing Cranberries in Alaska. Or, in my case, Making...

Why and How NOT to Multitask

How much time are you losing to multi-tasking?Because multi-tasking is, more often than not, costly both in terms of time and bandwidth.Learn how not to multi-task at Zen Habits. Powered by ScribeFire.

Luscious Laziness

I don’t know about you, but I’m coming back as a well-loved, massively indulged cat. Meanwhile, I rely on help from  The Lazy Man’s Guide to Getting Things Done over at the Zen Habits blog. productivity, laziness, rest, renewal, habits,...