What’s in the Water?

Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream

In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.

Molly Gordon
Recent articles

Why transformation is the secret to making a profit

This article is for anyone who feels trapped in a cycle of under-earning and doesn't know an honorable way to get out. It's for people who aren't in it for the money, and yet need to be making a profit. It's for people who are frustrated or turned off by marketing and...

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The Top 5 Questions to Prime Your Network for More Biz

Over at Escape from Cubicle Nation, Pam Slim just wrote a post that knocked my socks off. She spells out exactly what you need to know in order to get the most out of networking, whether at conferences, at coffee, or in the produce section of the grocery store. I...

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Time out: Certificate of the right to play

The photo says it all, don't you think? It's so important to play. Really play. Not because it sparks your creativity. Or because it's good to take a break. (Even though those are good reasons.) It's important to play just because. Because when you're playing you...

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