What’s in the Water?
Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream
In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.
Why Trust Is the Most Valuable Currency (or Why Makes Marketing & Sales Are Duties We Owe Our Clients)
Tonight I sent $50 to a woman I have never met. You can read her story on David Armano's blog.You may even wish to chip in. But that's not what this is about. This entry is about trust and the crucial role it plays in attracting, retaining, and enjoying just-right...
10 Mistakes Accidental Entrepreneurs Make When Worried about Money
1. Trying to sell more things to more people instead of better things to the right people. 2. Looking for more customers instead of taking care of the customers they have. 3. Compromising on quality in a flurry of activity. 4. Underpricing. 5. Trying to please...
The Art of Success in Life: Unpacking the Possible Dream
Image credit: I used to dream... by Mariam Al-Ma via flick'r. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. ~Anatole France. What is success in life? It's the time of year when we typically review the past and...
Benchmarks for the Possible Dream
What kind of year do you want to have in 2009? I've been thinking about this for several days, and here are the benchmarks I've come up with for the year. I'm sharing these not as exemplars of benchmarks you should use. On the contrary, my intent is that you would be...
How Prospective Clients Can Teach You Marketing: The Surprising Relationship Between Marketing and Empathy
Marketing pros say the key to getting clients is to put their biggest problem in the headline. This is also known as speaking to the pain. But what if being negative doesn't work for you? Enter Empathy Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of...
Only the Cows Know: 21 Economic Models
This is not original to me, and while I found many sites that print the story, I did not learn who authored it. (One site attributed it to "a friend in rural Ireland.") If you know the correct attribution, please let me know and I will add it.After the recent...
What the World Needs Now… Is a Generous Helping of Self Promotion
Self promotion, some feel, is selfish. In fact, authentic self promotion is one of the most generous things we can do. To understand why this is, let's look at what's behind much of our discomfort with self promotion. Of Bathing Suits and Three Way Mirrors Self...
Why the World Needs You to Shine Now (and Why You Aren’t Meant to Do It Alone)
Here's the deal. For a good part of November I made myself dizzy trying to figure out what I have to offer in today's economy. I niched, I visioned, I did EFT and The Work. And while I reached a place of peace about my personal economic situation, I choked when it...
My adventure in niche sites
Niche sites have been around for a while. They are highly focused sites that offer lots of content around a narrowly defined topic for a specific audience. Like How to Raise Frogs with Your Three Year Old. Or Growing Cranberries in Alaska. Or, in my case, Making...