by Molly Gordon | Jan 6, 2009 | Getting clients, Marketing, Selling, Success
Tonight I sent $50 to a woman I have never met. You can read her story on David Armano’s blog.You may even wish to chip in. But that’s not what this is about. This entry is about trust and the crucial role it plays in attracting, retaining, and enjoying...
by Molly Gordon | Jan 5, 2009 | Success
1. Trying to sell more things to more people instead of better things to the right people. 2. Looking for more customers instead of taking care of the customers they have. 3. Compromising on quality in a flurry of activity. 4. Underpricing. 5. Trying to please...
by Molly Gordon | Dec 31, 2008 | Ambition, Creativity, Emotional intelligence, Goal Setting, Life purpose, Spirit, Success, Uncategorized
Image credit: I used to dream… by Mariam Al-Ma via flick’r. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. ~Anatole France. What is success in life? It’s the time of year when we typically review...
by Molly Gordon | Dec 30, 2008 | Success
What kind of year do you want to have in 2009? I’ve been thinking about this for several days, and here are the benchmarks I’ve come up with for the year. I’m sharing these not as exemplars of benchmarks you should use. On the contrary, my intent is...
by Molly Gordon | Dec 17, 2008 | Success
Marketing pros say the key to getting clients is to put their biggest problem in the headline. This is also known as speaking to the pain. But what if being negative doesn’t work for you? Enter Empathy Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings...
by Molly Gordon | Dec 15, 2008 | Success
This is not original to me, and while I found many sites that print the story, I did not learn who authored it. (One site attributed it to “a friend in rural Ireland.”) If you know the correct attribution, please let me know and I will add it.After the...
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