Is your price right?

A colleague of mine has been grappling with pricing this week. She had set a price for a workshop, but when someone remarked that it seemed awfully high, she started doubting herself. Boy, have I been there. Interestingly, I noticed that I had a lot of energy around...

Why Mike Dooley Rocks

Mike Dooley is the force behind TUT, the most charming Web site and purveyor of inspiration I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience. Stephen Sloan, a man of many gifts and most recently co-founder of The Bainbridge Institute, put me on to Mike, and I believe...

Lordy, what if you ARE the Master of the Universe?

It’s 7: 27 a.m. here in Suquamish, and a few minutes ago I had this sequence of thoughts: Isn’t it arrogant to claim that I am the creator of all I see and experience? If I claim that, aren’t I acting like a tyrant? Oh! If I don’t admit that I...

A Biz Blogging Mentor Group

From time to time I post information about business-building programs of exceptional quality that augment my own work. This is one of those times. The Blog Squad is at it again, spreading the Blog Gospel for business. Here’s a way to access their Internet...