What’s in the Water?
Guidance for Swimming Against the Stream
In waking up to whiteness, there are questions to answer and ideas to confront. Molly’s insights bring perspective and clarity.
Should Friends Sell to Friends?
This week I received an email from a dear friend objecting to the reminders about the Authentic Wealth Tele-retreat that I've been sending readers of my e-zine. For what it’s worth, I would have to cast my “vote” on the side of the person who felt that the reminders...
Money and values: Is it time to reset your money thermostat?
Taxes were the subject of a recent conversation in the private forum for the upcoming Authentic Wealth Virtual Retreat. One participant wrote, "How do normal people meet these obligations [i.e., taxes] and still buy houses and go somewhere once in a while and have...
How to serve your customers by selling to them
Look Ma, No White Shoes! You’ve heard the jokes and seen the cartoons about used car salesmen in white shoes and belts and loud plaid jackets. Yikes! For many of us this is the archetype of overt selling. As a result, your business, like mine, may have been keeping...
Why you should remind your customers to buy
Over the weekend, I sent a reminder about the Authentic Wealth tele-retreat to my list. One reader wrote asking if it were possible to receive my newsletters but not reminders. Here's my response. Dear Nancy, I understand that you find the reminders somewhat annoying....
Is your price right?
A colleague of mine has been grappling with pricing this week. She had set a price for a workshop, but when someone remarked that it seemed awfully high, she started doubting herself. Boy, have I been there. Interestingly, I noticed that I had a lot of energy around...
Why Mike Dooley Rocks
Mike Dooley is the force behind TUT, the most charming Web site and purveyor of inspiration I've ever had the pleasure to experience. Stephen Sloan, a man of many gifts and most recently co-founder of The Bainbridge Institute, put me on to Mike, and I believe...
Lordy, what if you ARE the Master of the Universe?
It's 7: 27 a.m. here in Suquamish, and a few minutes ago I had this sequence of thoughts: Isn't it arrogant to claim that I am the creator of all I see and experience? If I claim that, aren't I acting like a tyrant? Oh! If I don't admit that I am the creator of all I...
David Mamet on copywriting that serves your customer
I just finished reading David Mamet's observations "On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business." Great book. Before I share with you a few treasures that illuminate marketing a business you love to people you actually care about, you should know that...
The Law of Attraction: What Abundance Gurus Don’t Tell You
This is an updated piece from the Shaboom archives, which is why you'll see comments from way back in 2007. It's especially relevant to the current free Wealth Wisdom Series, which you can learn more about at the end of the post. If you have ever had, ummm, “issues”...