by Molly Gordon | Jun 6, 2013 | Ambition, Creativity, Emotional intelligence, Goal Setting, Spirit, Success, Uncategorized
One of the themes that runs through my work is the distinction between the creative power of thought and the resource-depleting practice of wishful thinking. In other words, how does the Law of Attraction work, really? And how can we use it to manage for happiness?...
by Molly Gordon | Apr 23, 2013 | Community, Confidence, Creativity, Emotional intelligence, Small business, Success, Uncategorized
Most of us spend a fair amount of time questioning ourselves, our choices, our capacities, and our decisions. That’s okay. It might as well be, given that we do it, right? We can experience this questioning as self-doubt of the feels-pretty-crummy kind or as the...
by Molly Gordon | Apr 15, 2013 | Authenticity, Community, Confidence, Creativity, Goal Setting, Life purpose, Marketing, Meaning, Money, Personal, Productivity, Self care, Self-employment, Serving others, Small business, Success, Vision
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. ~ Albert Schweitzer What’s going on when you put your work out there and you don’t get the response you’d hoped for? When your thing doesn’t fly? I’ve been thinking...
by Molly Gordon | Apr 8, 2013 | Ambition, Authenticity, Community, Confidence, Creativity, Getting clients, Life purpose, Meaning, Self care, Success
Years ago (38, but who’s counting?) my husband-to-be asked me what I thought the meaning of life was. I replied immediately and somewhat to my own surprise, “eternal happiness.” At first I thought my answer was somewhat frivolous. But when I mused...
by Molly Gordon | Apr 1, 2013 | Ambition, Confidence, Creativity, Emotional intelligence, Mindfulness, Spirit, Success, Uncategorized
Okay, I dare you. Don’t think of a blue elephant. Pretty near impossible, no? And that’s what’s wrong with seeking success or any form of happiness by trying replace negative thinking and with positive thinking. Thoughts don’t obey. I’m...
by Molly Gordon | Mar 11, 2013 | Ambition, Confidence, Creativity, Goal Setting, Life purpose, Money, Spirit, Success, Uncategorized, Vision, Wealth
A few years back I had a recurring dream. I found myself on a long, high overpass, part of a complex system of roadways and bridges. As I drove, the pavement morphed into something like roller coaster tracks. The ups and downs became more and more pronounced, and the...
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