Money Matters

Here’s an article about how we in the Western world relate to money and the kinds of conversations we need to have to achieve greater freedom, insight, and creativity in that domain. Enjoy!

The smARTist take on eBay

The word from Ariane over at smARTist is that registration is open for the free preview call with Art eBay Expert Susan Greaves. WHEN: Tuesday-December 5th TIME: 7 – 7:45 pm EST WHERE: By teleconference Susan’s expert advice on selling art on eBay is certain to...

smARTist knocks my socks off

Call me a grinch, but I wasn’t expecting to be dazzled by this evening’s Virtual Opening Reception Party for the smARTist Tele-Summit. I certainly didn’t expect to be glued to the phone while listening to the 11 other presenters talk about their...